Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Unholy Trinity

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A message from Charlie Morgan.

It has been one hell of a year on my end of things. It began with facing a fear that damn near broke me, I won't lie. I needed to take time away from everything so I could deal with the aftermath of it all (still am).

In that time I had three notebooks that I began writing in. There were some musings, doodles, poems and little pieces of flash fiction. Then I began to "visit some old ghosts," so to speak. Once I did, they began talking and the stories started coming. There were three that stood head and shoulders above the rest. I started calling them my "unholy trinity." These three broke me down and built me back up a little stronger than before.

There were also those who have been there from the beginning and have sailed with me into the storm. For that I am eternally grateful. You know who you are.

In the coming months, Back Road Books will be releasing this unholy trinity. They may break you down, they might build you back up, but make no mistake, they do have teeth and will bite.

The three books are not a trilogy. Every book is different but they are all connected in some way. An Unholy Trinity would be a better term.

One is the horrors of youth - The Overnight

The horrors of adolescence - Nomads

And horrors of adulthood - Tribe

Check out the teaser trailers for the first book in the Trinity, The Overnight. If, like me, you grew up watching summer camp slasher flicks and loved every second of it, then this might be for you.

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